Web Design using HTML & CSS
The first 20 weeks of the course we cover the language of the internet HTML(Hyper – Text- Markup – Language). HTML controls how we get the data on a page. We also cover CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). CSS controls how a page looks. Knowing HTML and CSS is a basic that all computer programmers must be well versed in. You will also learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop that are important to create beautiful websites. Below you can see some sample projects from the past two years.
Final Projects on a topic chosen by each student:
Karel the Robot
The second 20 weeks of the course you will learn the basics of the OOP-Object Oriented Programming in the language Java. Java is the language that AP Computer Science A is taught in and is the first language taught in many colleges and universities. We will use Karel the Robot to learn the basics of OOP in a fun and interesting way.
Karel is an athlete from the Czech Republic competing at the Winter Olympics. His event is the Biathlon Mixed Relay. 2014 was the first ever Olympic mixed relay containing two men and two women. Karel’s team contains one other male, and two females.
Each SuperRobot must complete the relay by collecting and handing off the beepers to the next SuperRobot.
Karel Arrays
Beginning Java Using Graphics
South Park Selfie using Java Graphics!
Java Graphics – Splashy Graphics Project