The Legend Trilogy is a dystopian young adult series written by Marie Lu. The plot is set in the future, in a place known as the Republic, a country created after the United States. The plague has ravaged the lands and its people, but only the rich can afford the cure. The Republic hosts the trials every year to see who trains to enter the army in order to fight the Colonies, or join the work force.
The first book, Legend, introduces the main two main characters of the story, June and Day. June Iparis, and Daniel Altan Wing, known as Day, both score a perfect score of 1500 on their trials. The plotline goes on describing how June ends up catching Day when he allegedly killed her brother, Metias. However, Day confessed that he had only injured him, and June, with the help of the Patriots, managed to help him escape.
The second book of the trilogy, Prodigy, takes place when Day and June travel to Las Vegas to make contact with the Patriots. The two make an agreement with the rebels, in exchange for helping to find Day's younger brother Eden, fixing Day's severely injured leg, and migrating to the Eastern Colonies of America, Day and June agree will aid the Patriots in assassinating the new Elector. June and Day are separated as June goes on to meet the new Elector, Anden. The assassination attempt fails.
The third and last book of the series, Champion, starts with Day's deteriorating health. Day refuses for experiments to be conducted on Eden when the plague starts spreading and is told that he has two months to live. June and Anden visit Antarctica as Denver is taken by the Colonies. Day goes into a coma for five months, and forgets who June is. In the epilogue, Day and June meet again ten years later.